Week 1
Knowledge - Developing Software
Types of software licence requirements, including:
- network (per seat)
- enterprise
- commercial/proprietary
- end user licence agreement (EULA)
Factors affecting the development of software, including:
- user needs
- user interface
- processing efficiency
- development time
- technical specifications
Professional ethics of developers when creating new software
Week 2
Knowledge - Developing Software
Legal obligations of developers when creating new software
Legal and ethical responsibilities of software users
Stages of the software development cycle (SDC)
- analyse detailed requirements
- design data and algorithms
- code data structures and instructions
- debug syntax and logic errors
- test to meet specifications
- document internally and externally
- implement and test with live data
- evaluate performance of the program
Skills - Developing Software
Apply the SDC in planning and developing software solutions.
Week 3-6
Knowledge - Programming
Characteristics of simple data types:
- integer
- real (floating point number)
- Boolean
- character
Characteristics of complex data types:
- string
- one-dimensional arrays
- records
Programming concepts, including:
- constants
- variables (local, global, parameters)
- appropriate naming conventions for variables
- control structures
- stubs
- statements
- modularisation
- functions
- scope and lifetime of identifiers, including: parameter passing (value and reference)
Difference between source code, byte code and executable code
Difference between an interpreter and a compiler
Types of program or code errors, including:
- syntax errors
- run-time errors
- logical errors
Purpose and characteristics of internal and external documentation
Software development documentation as a part of the SDC
Structure charts using the Yourdon and Constantine method
Modelling of an algorithm using trace tables to test for logic
Types of data validation techniques, including:
- range checking
- type checking
Skills - Programming
Use pseudocode to represent a programming solution
Apply, using pseudocode and a programming language, the following programming concepts:
- constants
- variables (local, global, parameters)
- naming conventions for variables
- stubs
- statements
- modularisation
- functions
- parameter passing (value and reference)
Apply, using pseudocode and a programming language, the following control structures:
- sequence
- selection
- one-way (if then)
- two-way (if then else)
- multi-way (case, nested if)
- iteration
- test first (while)
- test last (repeat until)
- fixed (for)
Resolve program and code errors
Apply the following algorithmic and programming techniques:
- develop internal and external documentation
- interpret and create structure charts with parameter passing
- select and apply suitable test data and testing techniques
- use trace tables to test for and debug logic errors
- use data validation techniques, including range checking and type checking
Week 7-10
Skills - Programming
Apply the SDC to create prototype digital solutions using pseudocode and an appropriate programming language
Week 11-12
Knowledge - Networks and Communications
Role of the following hardware devices in network communications:
- router
- switch
- firewall
- modem
- network interface card (NIC)
- wireless access point
- bridge
- gateway
- repeaters
Purpose of the layers within the DoD TCP/IP model, including:
- application layer
- transport layer
- internet layer
- network layer
Characteristics of wireless transmission media, including:
- broadcast radio
- satellite
- microwave
- cellular
Characteristics of wired transmission media, including:
- twisted pair (unshielded twisted pair [UTP] and shielded twisted pair [STP])
- fibre optic (single-mode, multi-mode)
Week 13-14
Knowledge - Networks and Communications
Methods of error detection and correction in digital data transmission, including:
- parity bit
- checksum
Types of communications protocols and standards, including:
- wireless (Bluetooth, ethernet 802.11x, radio frequency identification [RFID]), wireless application protocol (WAP)
- wired (ethernet 802.3)
- TCP/IP (IP4, IP6)
Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) and domain name server (DNS)
Methods used to ensure the security of networks, including use of:
- firewalls
- anti-virus software
- password and network user policies
- authentication
- encryption
Strategies used to compromise the security of networks, including:
- denial of service
- back doors
- IP spoofing
- phishing
Factors influencing the performance of a network, including:
- bandwidth
- network design
- data collisions
- excess broadcast traffic
Skills - Networks and Communications
Create network diagrams using the CISCO network diagrammatic conventions to represent network topologies for LAN, WLAN and WAN