Syllabus Detail

  •   Etiquette when using an ICT system. 11 ATAR, 12 GEN


What is Etiquette?

  • Etiquette is the customary code of conduct and use of polite behaviour in society, or when among other people
  • Etiquette is generally second-nature to us, it's what causes us to act polite and civilized
  • It is important to have etiquette in our civilization in order for us to respect each other


Why is it important to ICT?

  • Etiquette is an integral part of any society; even online communities
  • Community rules and guidelines vary throughout the web but generally all follow basic etiquette
  • It is impotant to have a functioning, healthy online community to ensure the community can flourish
  • An example of etiquette in IT can also refer to workplace etiquette
    • Work places often have expected rules and codes of conduct
    • This often includes the way we talk and interact with one another
    • Using our "please and thank you's" often lifts morality, which in turn boosts productivity
  • This practice works in the same in ICT Systems
  • The better we're treated, the more inclined we are to help someone, or build something, etc.


What are some examples of etiquette in ICT?

  • Using approprite language
    • Formal writing when required
    • Avoiding offensive language such as curse words
    • Using capitalisation appropriately (we tend to read caps-lock sentences as SHOUTING)
  • Using manners and being polite towards other users
  • When on online communities such as forums:
    • Making posts that are on-topic
    • Not posting material that is against the community guidelines

  • As a basic rule of thumb:
    • If you wouldn't say it in real life, don't say it on the Internet!


Further Research

  1. Email Etiquette (Netiquette) by Griffith University here
  2. Net Etiquette Guideliens by Flinders University here


Step 6 - Worksheet and Practice (yet to be added)

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