Syllabus Detail
- Types of keys; primary, composite and foreign, in a relational database. 12 ATAR
- The primary and foreign key concepts are fundamental to RDMBS
- The primary keys within a database are used to define the relationships among the tables (records)
- RDBM Systems rely on primary, foreign and composite keys to function
Primary Keys
- A primary key is a column containing a unique field in each row
- This unique value can be used to identify any record in the table
- A primary keycannot be NULL, and should utilise an appropriate data type
- A common example of a PK is a database with a table called Students
- Each row in this table contains a StudentID field
- This value is an integer, starting at 20200 and incrementing by one every entry
- The 50th entry in the Students table would have a unique identifier (the corresponding StudentID) of 20250
Foreign Keys
- A foreign key is a column (or multiple) containing the values of primary keys from other tables
- Foreign keys are barely ever unique and unlike a primary key, may be set to NULL
- Foreign keys are used to relate tables, as they establish a link between records
- An example related to above would place the StudentID value from our Students table in to a foreign key field called StudentID in our Submissions table
- For every submission entered in to the database, a value for StudentID is required
- This value depicts which Student has submitted the work
- The value corresponds directly to the StudentID in the Student table
- The tables are now related to the primary and foreign keys, StudentID
Composite Keys
- A composite key is a combination of two or more columns in a table
- Whilst each field on its own may not be unique, when combined the value of the columns is unique
- For example, if a database contained a table called Customers
- A column for DOB exists
- A column for FirstName exists
- A column for LastName exists
- A customer named Mary may not be unique, where as 01011970 Mary Smith can be seen as unique
- A table's primary key can be made up of composite keys
Further Research
- Read more about Primary and Foreign keys from Microsoft here
- Read more about Composite Primary keys from SQLTeam here
Worksheet and Practice (yet to be added)
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