Syllabus Detail

  • Purpose of an ICT Code of Conduct. 11 ATAR,  12 GEN 


What is a Code of Conduct?

  • A code of conduct is simply a set of rules that outlines the responsibilites and expectations of an individual, party or organization
  • Companies use a code of conduct to display what is expected from each employee


How does this relate to IT?

  • All companies, big and small, often rely on a code of conduct to ensure the behaviour and actions of each employee is up to a certain standard
  • In IT, this relates to many aspects of the use of technology (e.g. the Internet and computers)
  • Companies will outline their expectations in terms of using computers and the Internet in a code of conduct.
  • It ensures computing resources are used for work purposes
  • It provides guidelines to protect data, eg company secret files not going online and available for all


Summary of Main Points

  • Code of conduct = a set of rules and guides that outline the expectations of an individual, party or organization
  • IT code of conduct = generally refers to how technologies such as computers and the Internet are to be used


Further Research

  1. Check out an example of a Code of Conduct here


 Step 6 - Worksheet and Practice (yet to be added)


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