Syllabus Detail

  • Managing data storage using files and folders. 11 GEN


  • The ability to manage and sort files and folders is a crucial aspect of computer systems
  • Their implementation allows for organisation and ease of use
  • Files and folders are essential elements to the IT world
  • To read about files and file systems in more depth, check out The Computing Teacher's article on File System here


What's the difference between Files and Folders?

  • A computer file is used to store data and information
    • All files have their own type and relative extensions
    • For example, Microsoft Office Word Documents contain the extension .doc or .docx
    • These file extensions tell the computer what program to open each file with
  • A computer folder is used to store files and other folders
    • Folders are used in an organizational manner
    • They can be sorted by various attributes and are used to store larger numbers of files and other folders
    • Think of folders as filing cabinet systems of a computer, they're used to tidy up the office (or in this case, directory) by taking all papers (or files) and acting as a container for them


How can I manage my data?

  • Organization is key to utilising the power of computers; make sure you stick to a naming convention and folder structure throughout your file system
  • Delete any old or unnecessary files
  • Sort out files and downloads as you receive them - don't wait until they're just another icon lost amidst your Downloads folder
  • Create a few manageable folders (such as "Work", "Personal" and "Media")
  • Always make sure to create backups of your data incase of accidental loss or corruption


Further Research

  • View HowToGeek's article on file and folder organization here
  • View Lifehacker's guide on data organization here


Worksheet and Practice (yet to be added)

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