Syllabus Detail

  • Use of code of conduct policies. 12 ATAR


What is a Code of Conduct?

  • A code of conduct is simply a set of rules used to set a standard of behaviour and social norms
  • Codes of conduct are used in a multitude of companies and institutions
  • Each organization will have a different code of conduct that outlines their particular practices, responsibilities and expected behaviour from its members and / or users
  • A code of conduct is put in place to ensure harmony within an organization as it encourages proper etiquette and behaviour when dealing with one another


How does a code of conduct apply to ICT?

  • Much like any system, specific rules and guidelines need to be followed when working with technology
  • For example, in a school situation, students will have to agree and abide by a certain code of conduct when using technology either owned by the school, or when on school grounds
  • This also applies to many workplaces and other organizations
  • Common agreements outlined in a typical code of conduct relating to ICT are:
    • All computers must be used for [organization] purposes only
    • [Individuals] must not disclose passwords to other individuals
    • Non-educational games and software must not be installed on a computer
    • Computer hardware should not be defaced or vandalized
    • The network administrator has right to deleted anything deemed inappropriate on [the organization]'s network (such as non-work / education related files)
    • Etc.
  • Failure to follow these rules and guidelines outlined in an organization's code of conduct could result in loss of technology-related privileges


What about the Internet?

  • Codes of conduct apply to websites and online resources as well as computing systems
  • Many websites create their own specific codes of conduct with their own particular guidelines
  • These guidelines work to create a happy, safe and healthy browsing experience
  • Codes of conduct and etiquette go hand-in-hand in ensuring a standard of behaviour on the Internet
  • Read The Computing Teacher's article on Etiquette in ICT here


Further Research

  1. View the Department of Education WA's code of conducts and policies relating to ICT here
  2. View some typical codes of conduct rules here


Worksheet and Practice (yet to be added)

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