Syllabus Detail
- Errors: syntax, run-time, logical, 11 ATAR, 12 GEN, 12 ATAR
- Errors and mistakes often occur in programming
- When staring at a computer screen for hours on end, errors and mishaps are more than likely to appear throughout a development process
- Programming faults exist as syntax, run-time and logical errors
Syntax Errors
- Syntax errors (or semantic errors) can be seen as the spelling errors of programming
- They occur when the compiler or interpreter is unable to make sense of a word or character
- Syntax errors can occur commonly as small mistakes; such as missing semi-colons to end a line, are often hard to pick up without running the program
- Generally they are easy to fix. Just find the typo and fix it.
- Example:
- System.otu.println("Hello, world!");
- In the above example, the word "out" is misspelled
- This would result in an error as the compiler or interpreter would not be able to make sense of the line
Run-Time Errors
- Run-time errors are errors that happen at run-time. ie when the program is running.
- The program was made correctly, it compiled correctly, but it can't follow the instructions
- Example 1; a user enters the number 0 which is unexpected. eg while x >1 AND <100 ...will cause a run-time error
- Example 2; print(Name). This will crash at run-time if the variable Name is not defined...will cause a run-time error
- Good programmers will write programs that have expected error handling. But sometimes they just happen when we are developing programs.
- Examples HERE
Logical Errors (modified 15 Sep 2017)
- Logical errors (or logic errors) occur when a program produces incorrect or unexpected results due to poor logical processing
- Unlike a syntax error or runtime error, the program does not end abruptly or abort
- These are caused by programmers' mistakes within the source code
- Common examples include using incorrect operators
- Examples HERE at the University of Waterloo
- Example HERE at wikipedia
Further Research
Worksheet and Practice (yet to be added)
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