Syllabus Detail

  • Database types; centralised,distributed, local, online 12 ATAR



  • A database is simply a collection of data or information
  • A database is constructed in such a way that the data stored is organised and allows for efficient retrieval
  • Database systems rely on the collection of schemas, tables, queries and reports
  • There are four types of common databases, including: centralised, distributed, local and online


Centralised Databases

  • A centralised database is a database that is located and stored in a single location
  • It differs from that of other databases due to its singularity
  • Centralised databases are often stored on one central computer or server
    • An advantage of this type of database is the ability to access all the information from one central location
    • A disadvantage of this type of database is the potential bottlenecking if multiple users are trying to access the database at once


 Distributed Databases

  • A distributed database is a database that is located across multiple locations
  • Different parts of the database are stored separately on multiple storage devices but controlled by the same DBMS (database management system)
  • Some types of DBMS's can be used to synchronize data across a distributed database as if the data were hosted in the same location
    • An advantage of this database type is the ability for users to work with specified parts of the database (hence ensuring security and performance improvements)
    • A disadvantage of this database type is the complexity of the database, as extra logical and physical design is needed for the implementation of a distributed database system


Local Databases

  • A local database is simply a database that is stored locally within an application, program or computer storage device
  • As the name suggests, the database is only accessible locally, and is often used to hold information such as Settings or program-specific information
    • An advantage of this database type is ability for total security - as the database can only be accessed locally and isn't susceptible to online attacks
    • A disadvantage of this database type is the fact that information stored on the database can only be accessed locally, and may not be ideal for certain applications or programs (such as web-based applications)
  • Developers often use local databases when developing and building applications
  • A local database can also be attached to an external device on a computer, such as a CD or external hard drive


 Online Databases

  • An online database is a database that is accessible only via the Internet or a network connection
  • Data is often stored in large data centres externally
  • Many modern websites take advantage of this service to utilise databases for the purpose of dynamic content on websites
    • An advantage of this type of database is due to the fact that the data can be accessed from anywhere an Internet connection is present
    • A disadvantage is the availability of the data - as if the host storage centre happens to go offline, the data becomes inaccessible


Further Research

  1. Read more about RDBMS's here
  2. Read more about the different types of databases here
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Syllabus Detail

  • Data duplication. 12 ATAR
  • Data redundancy. 11 ATAR, 12 GEN, 12 ATAR




  • Data duplication and data redundancy are similar concepts, but are not the same
  • Both concepts work to ensure efficiency and consistency in terms of databases and storage


Data Redundancy

  • Data redundancy occurs when the same data is entered in to two or more fields of a database
  • For example, "Joe" is entered in to the Name field under a record called Customers
  • "Joe" is also entered in to the Customer field under a record called Purchases
  • Although we are referring to the same Joe in both fields, each piece of data is seen as unique
  • This means that to update "Joe", we need to manually edit each reference
  • This differs from data duplication, as it is often not intentional and can take up potentially required storage space


Data Duplication

  • Data duplication occurs when an exact copy of a piece of data is created
  • For example, copy and pasting an item called "MyPicture.jpg"
    • The new pasted item contains the exact same data as the original picture
    • On different Operating Systems, the naming convention for copies will change (e.g. "MyPicture 2.jpg" or "MyPicture copy.jpg")
  • Data duplication provides benefits such as providing us with the ability to back up copies of files and create multiple verions of a file (which may be required for progress reporting or other information)
  • The duplication of data is often intentional and used primarily for creating backups
  • Data duplication on a database may result in data redundancy, and thus an inefficient and inconsistant database


Why are these important?

  • The act of normalising a database (organizing data to prevent redundancy) is critical to maintain an efficient and clean database
  • Ensuring unncessary data doesn't reside on the database allows for a consistent and accurate database
  • The ability to duplicate data intentionally allows us to create backups and maintain our data


Further Research

  1. Read more about Data Redundancy from DatabaseDev here
  2. Read more about Data Duplication from GeekInterview here
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Syllabus Detail

  • Data modelling using Chen's notation Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams.12 ATAR



  • in designing a database there are different ways to draw entities and relationships.
  • Bachman used a crow's foot to show cardinality of a relationship.
  • Chen uses a line or arrow to show cardinality.
  • There are other differences as well, but for today we need understand that a standard must be followed.
  • Which one do we use?
  • Usually an organisation will choose one and stick to that.


Which one do we use for Computer Science in Western Australia

  • Schools Curriculum and Standards Authority in Western Australia have dictated that we must Chen's Notation and have provided a handout to support  this.

More detail about Chen's notation can be found at the wikipedia website. 


Further Research

  1. Read more about Chen's notation on Wikipedia
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Syllabus Detail

  • Data definition. 12 ATAR




  • In the old days, there was no data.
  • People had books and other informaton that they could read.
  • But, one day a person created computing.
  • This caused a problem.
  • People could no longer read the information.
  • it was hidden inside data.
  • The information still existed, but it was inside files which resided on computers.
  • Data therefore is encapsulated information that is transferred on a computer system.


Data Definition

  • Data at the most basic level in computing could be called binary. eg 0s and 1s. eg the letter A is 01100001
  • Once the data is translated to human readable form, it becomes information.
  • The letter A by itself is not enough for meaningful information, but when combined with other information the meaning becomes clearer.
  • Examples of data are; document files, image files. These become information once opened and they can be understood.

 Further Research

  1. Read more TBA
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