Syllabus Detail

  • Legal requirement and implication of information kept by various organisations about individuals 11 ATAR, 12 GEN


  • Privacy for individuals is a controversial topic and has caused more problems now as a result of social media.
  • Organisations are legally responsible for what they do with information about individuals.
  • Australian Privacy Principle 1 directs open and transparent management of personal information


What must organisations do?

  • They must comply with the Australian Privacy Principles.
  • This means they must...
    • have an up-to-date policy for how they deal with customer information
    • show how it collects and holds this information
    • show how it discloses this information to others
    • show this policy on their company website
    • if requested they must give their policy to individuals or government departments.
    • explain to individuals why they are collecting the information
    • individuals must consent to providing information to companies

How do we know about this?

  • When we sign up to join an online community we often agree to terms of use.
  • Many people agree to these, without actually reading the fine print.

What could happen?

  • The organisation may use your information in a way you are not happy with.
  • For example social media websites sometimes have the rights to use the photos individuals post within their websites.
  • If an organisation distributes your information, ie your email address to a marketing distribution website, you could receive hundreds of spam emails.
  • Identify theft could occur if your information gets into the wrong hands.

For You to Do

  1. List some online organisations that have asked you to acknowledge a "Terms of use" when you signed up.
  2. What could go wrong for individuals if an organisation does not look after your information correctly?

Further Research

Go to this website and read the first 4 paragraphs. Write a very brief summary of how privacy may be changing by 2018.


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