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Criteria required to evaluate a digital product or solution 11 ATAR , 12 GEN


  • Project Management is about producing worthwhile products in an organised way.
  • To get worthwhile products clever planning is essential.
  • Evaluation is also essential to ensure products are worthwhile.

Criteria 1 - Why Evaluate?

  • Have a purpose for evaluating. What is the main focus of the evaluation?
  • Is it to get the best product now?
  • Is it to improve to make a better product next time? 
  • Is it both of these?
  • Who is the evaluation for? 
  • Does it need to be presented to a client for review and possible further changes to the product

Criteria 2 - Does it meet the requirement?

  • Does the product do what it was designed to do?
  • If it is for a website or software developed such as web-authoring, then formally testing the functionality is essential. Make up test requirement sheets that provide a sequence of actions that review all components on the website. Give the evaluation sheets to as many test rabbits :)   as you can, to give a better idea of how successful the product is. Using this method examines the effectiveness and efficiency of the product.
  • How usable is the product? Is it user friendly and predictable in its layout? What are its strengths? What are its weaknesses?

Criteria 3 - Cost

  • Did the product come in under budget?
  • What areas led to cost blowouts?
  • Were these cost blowouts under your control?
  • What could be done better next time to prevent cost blowouts?

Criteria 4 - Time Shortage

  • Did the product completion meet the forecast timeline for the product?
  • If not, What caused the delay?
  • Was it something under your control?
  • What could be done better next time to prevent time blowouts?

Criteria 5 - Scope Creep

  • Did the amount of work needed for this project change? Were items added to the project which caused it to take longer or cost more?



For you to do.

 1. Ensure your digital products meet identified user requirements.

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