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  • purpose of memory/storage 11 ATAR


  • memory = is a storage location
  • storage = is a memory location
  • memory = stores instructions for the cpu to process


  • purpose of memory is to hold instructions so the CPU can work with them
  • the CPU constantly interacts with memory as it processes instructions for programs
  • when the CPU loads an application, it is stored in memory. eg Adobe Reader is stored in memory
  • when the CPU loads a file, it is stored in memory. eg a spreadsheet budget file is stored in memory
  • a CPU constantly needs to go back and forth to memory to get instructions so it can run programs
  • a CPU needs memory and storage so it can coordinate input and output devices
  • without memory a computer would not work


  1. What hardware component constantly interacts with memory and storage? Why does it do this?
  2. What happens when a computer has no memory? Why?
  3. What is the purpose of memory and storage?


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