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  • purpose of data organisation 11 ATAR, 12 GEN


  • data = a value stored at a particular location (wikipedia)
  • organised = arranged in a way to be able to use it successfully
  • electronic housekeeping = time spent organising files and folders



  • old days, people used paper, organised people used files, unorganised people had papers all over the place
  • nowadays, people use electonic documents, organised people use folders, unorganised people have documents all over the place

Purpose of data organisation

  • to be able to save data to a location
  • to be able to open data from the saved to location
  • (sounds simple, but less than 30% of people can do this with any ongoing success)

If working on a multimedia project

  • have folders for; /images,  /articles, /admin
  • eg website about a task at school on your favourite band
    • /bandname
      • /images (/band on stage, /band on tour, /home page images
      • /articles (like bios you have found, album dates and more)
      • /admin (like task sheet, emails, resources)

Basics Files and Folders

  • file names, THINK! document1  is a huge no no.   AIT_Task3jimmy says what is probably inside the file
  • folder names, /stuff  is a huge no no.   /ProjectWebsiteTask3 says what is probably inside the folder
  • THINK! name files and folders so you can guess what is in them. 
  • consider target audience, submitting to a teacher, put your name in the file name as well as other relevant details

Most Importantly

  1. Save your files in a well named folder system so you can find them.


  1. Explain your system of saving files into your data organisation.
  2. Explain how you think a large organisation would organise their data.
  3. What is the purpose of data organisation.
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