Syllabus Detail

  • flow charts 11 ATAR, 12 GEN


  • Flow charts are often used for planning logical tasks in system planning
  • They present an easy to understand graphical representation of how a system functions
  • A flow chart shows the method of processing as opposed to the actual data being processed


Flow Chart Explanation

  • Look at the flow chart diagram on the right hand side of the page
  • In the top bubble we can immediately see the problem (the lamp does not work)
  • The actions (or processing) are represented with a rounded rectangle
  • The boolean decisions are represented with a diamond
  • Following the arrows downwards we come to our first decision making process
    • These are boolean (true or false) decicions which then effect the system's next steps
    • Think of these as graphical IF-THEN-ELSE statements
  • If the statement is false (e.g. "Lamp plugged in?") then the movement of the flow chart changes (to the right)
  • If the statement is true (e.g. "Bulb burned out?") then the movement of the flow chart continues to the next step (downwards)
  • There's no limit to how long a flow chart can be, nor how many decisions and consequential actions can exist



Why Flow Charts for Computer Science?

  • Flow charts provide a clear, concise and easy understanding of how a system will function
  • It's easy to make sense of and follow a logical progression of steps when symbolised with shapes
  • Since computer's only understand logic, flow charts provide a simple approach to often complex logical systems


Flow Chart Symbols

  • A decision is represented with a diamond 
  • A process is represented with a rectangle
  • An input or output is represented with a parallelogram 
  • Data flows (the direction of the processes within a flow chart) is represented by an arrow


Further Research


Worksheet and Practice (yet to be added)

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