Welcome to the Managing Data, Skills section.

 11 GEN





  • Apply hierarchical file management techniques for personal computer use.
  • User word processing software.
  • Use spreadsheet software.
  • Use database software.


12 GEN

  • Create solutions using a spreadsheet application using; functions, charts, lookup functions and sorting.
  • Create a working single table database which includes; data types, primary keys, forms, reports and queries.
  • Create a visual interface for users of a database.
  • Create database documentation.



  • Create solutions using a spreadsheet application using; functions, charts, lookup functions and sorting.
  • Resolve simple many to many (M:N) relationship in a multi-table relational database system (maximum three entities)
  • Create using Chen’s notation entity relationship (ER) diagrams for a simple database solution (maximum three entities)
  • Create a working relational multi-table database using; data types, relations, primary and foreign keys, relationships, cardinality (1:1, 1:M, M:1, M:N), validation rules, forms, reports and queries.
  • Create a visual interface for a database.
  • Create database documentation.



  • Analyse existing ER diagrams.
  • Create accurate ER diagrams.
  • Create a model of a database solution using Chen’s notation ER diagrams.
  • Create data dictionaries.
  • Create visual interface and navigation systems to assist users of a database.
  • Create database documentation for the user.
  • Normalise data to 3rd NF.
  • Resolve simple many to many (M:N) relationship in a multi-table relational database system (three or more entities)
  • Create a working relational multi-table database using; data types, relationships (including set cascade inserts, updates and deletes), primary, composite and foreign keys, referential integrity, relationships, cardinality (1:1, 1:M, M:1, M:N), validation rules, forms, reports and queries.
  • Simple queries using SQL (up to two tables), including insert, update and select queries.
  • Queries across multiple tables using appropriate database tools, including; parameter, calculated field, concatenated field, aggregation, append, update, delete and make table.
  • Apply simple programmed control structures, including IF statements and calculations within the database.